Name of Project:
West Bay Bird Island Shoreline Protection and Marsh Restoration Project, CEPRA # 1189
Location of Project: Galveston, Texas
Owner: Texas General Land Office
General Scope of Construction Project:
Dredging approximately 67,000 cy of sand from San Luis Pass to construct bird habitat island, marsh mounds and protective sand bar. APOLLO® also performed pre-dredge surveys, hazard surveys, interim and final surveys for dredge borrow area volumes, habitat features alignment/elevations and quality control of the project.
Name of Project:
Delehide Cove and Snake Island Eco-Restoration
Location of Project: Galveston, Texas
Owner: Philip Smith, Galveston Bay Foundation,218-332-3381
A/E: Dana L. Cheney, Gahagan & Bryant Associates, 832-51-2112
Date of Completion:
General Scope of Construction Project:
General Scope of Construction Project: Installation of approximately 5,000 linear feet of geotextile tubes as a protective breakwater for existing wetland areas. Dredging approximately 20,000 cy of sand from Galveston Bay to fill geotextile tubes. APOLLO® also performed pre-dredge surveys, hazard surveys, interim and final surveys for breakwater alignment and quality control of the project.