Recovery Act:
Restoring Estuarine Habitat in West Galveston Bay Project # CEPRA 1483
Location of Project: Galveston , Texas
Owner: Texas General Land Office
Date of Completion: 11/2010
General Scope of Construction Project:
APOLLO® restored approximately 328 acres of intertidal estuarine habitats consisting of salt flat marsh, salt flat, intertidal marsh, and protected shallow water habitat in two areas in West Bay, Galveston County. The two sites are along the north shoreline of West Galveston Island and include Carancahua Cove adjacent to Galveston Island State Park and Jumbile Cove west of the City of Jamaica Beach. The marsh restoration was constructed by hydraulically dredging approximately 1 million cubic yards of bay bottom sediments from designated offshore borrow areas. The sediments were pumped into designated restoration areas to create mounds at specified elevations determined suitable for the planting and establishment of Gulf Chordgrass, Spartina alterniflora. The dredged material was used to create mound habitat features and other placement configurations filled above intertidal levels to allow for the migration of marsh in response to anticipated rising sea level.