Featured Project: Property Development
APOLLO® performed site investigation and remediation services for a 9-acre property designated for private development under the Texas Voluntary Cleanup Program. Subsurface soil samples were collected and groundwater monitoring wells were installed to devise a strategy to achieve budgetary and time constraints while complying with technical and regulatory requirements. Site activities included the following:
- Removal of approximately 40,000 cubic yards of metals and pesticide impacted soils for off-site disposal.
- On-site treatment/stabilization of lead-impacted soils to achieve TCEQ Class 2 disposal criteria
- Building and concrete demolition
- QA/QC sampling, waste characterization and air monitoring
- Backfill installation, compaction and grading
- On-site soil treatment and off-site disposal
- Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) for groundwater
- Certificate of Completion for soil remediation