Featured Project: Hazardous Waste Landfill Constructionn
APOLLO® constructed a 5 acre hazardous waste landfill in south Texas. This hazardous waste landfill was a permit expansion project for a commercial landfill facility. The landfill consisted of double liner, double leachate collection system. APOLLO® excavated the landfill cell, installed the leachate and liner systems. APOLLO® was also responsible for the Quality Assurance and Quality Control of the construction process. The project consists of the following activities:
- Excavation, transport and stockpiling approximately 75,000 cy of soil material for landfill expansion
- Installation of approximately 19,000 cy of a 3’ clay liner
- Installation of over 400,000 sf of 80 mil HDPE liners
- Purchased and installation of over 5 acres of geonet geotextile drainage/leachate layers
- Installation of leachate collection trenchs, sumps and collection system
- Installation of the temporary cover on adjacent landfill cells
- Management of water within the excavation