Featured Project: Stabilization/Solidification, Depue, Illinois
APOLLO® performed remediation activities for the former zinc smelting facility that consisted of removal of contaminated soil and sediments for placement into a Corrective Action Management Unit. APOLLO® developed the Remedial Design/Remedial Action Workplan to accomplish the following activities:
- Obtained approval from Illinois EPA for construction of a Corrective Action Management Unit (CAMU) for storage of contaminated materials from the Superfund site.
- Developed an additive blend for treatment and solidification of contaminated soil/sediments removed from a drainage ditch area.
- Conducted operations to construct 4.5-acre CAMU area with HDPE liner system.
- Excavated contaminated soil/sediments from approximately 1,600 linear feet of ditch located within an environmentally sensitive marsh area.
- Performed on-site treatment of contaminated materials to achieve IEPA requirements prior to placement within the CAMU.
- Placed, graded and compacted approximately 4,000 cubic yards of treated soil/sediments within the CAMU.