Featured Project: Former Dry Cleaners Facility
APOLLO® completed the installation of on-site groundwater monitoring wells to assist with evaluating groundwater conditions potentially impacted from historical dry cleaning operations. In addition, APOLLO® provided on-site soil management and ex-situ treatment operations for contaminated soils impacted with chlorinated solvents. The project entailed the following:
- Site preparation for installation of erosion controls, removal of concrete slab materials and staging of roll-off containers
- Coordinated identification of subsurface utilities for subsequent removal and replacement
- Management of excavated materials in staged roll-off containers in order to implement on-site treatment procedures
- On-site ex-situ treatment of approximately 1,200 cubic yards of contaminated materials to achieve site-specific criteria for use as backfill material
- Installation of verified treated materials as backfill in excavated areas
- Performed on-site air monitoring activities during work activities