Featured Project: Beach Nourishment on West Galveston Island
APOLLO® completed the field implementation portion of this beach nourishment project for the Texas General Land Office (GLO). APOLLO®'s field services team provided project management and field implementation including the following activities:
- Development of Construction Plans for work to be performed
- Implementation of Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan
- Excavation, transportation and placement of approx. 240,000 cubic yards of sand to help reestablish the eroded beach
- Grading of sand to a specified elevation, utilizing laser surveying equipment, for over 6.5 miles of beach
- Conducted quality control testing for borrow source material, including sieve tests and color testing to match existing beach
- Managed over 26,000 loads of material for delivery to the beach
- Worked with Engineer to develop a plan to carefully place sand without disturbing beachfront homes